Renewable to Remarkable
Working Forests: Preserving the Future, Promoting Sustainability
A “working forest” is forestland carefully managed to supply a steady, renewable supply of wood for lumber, energy, paper, and packaging, and more than 5,000 items that consumers use every day, while also providing a place for wildlife habitat and recreation.
Unlike protected or untouched forests, working forests are sustainably managed to balance economic, social, and environmental considerations.
“Approximately 360 million acres – or 70% – of the working forests in the U.S. are on private land, owned by individuals, families, small and large businesses, and an increasing number of Americans who invest in working forests for retirement.”
Providing habitat for wildlife, storing carbon, filtering water, and offering recreational opportunities for everyone, working forests play a crucial role in supplying timber and other forest products as well as supporting local economies. In many rural communities the impact is significant. Timber makes up most residents’ livelihoods. Breaking down the numbers, it accounts for 2.5 million jobs, $109 billion in payroll and $288 billion in sales and manufacturing.
RYAM innovates daily and can see the benefits of every part of the tree, from the solid wood core to the limbs, branches, bark, and even the sawdust that is left over from the manufacturing process. The untold story about forestry is one of notable efficiency.
By employing sustainable forest management practices, the working forests from which RYAM sources its timber ensure the health and vitality of the forest ecosystem while contributing to a more circular and sustainable economy for all.

Invested in Working Forests
Our manufacturing plants create a market for timber, which shields working forests from conversion to other land uses, like development. In essence, the demand for forest products means more forests for everyone to enjoy.
That’s called “interdependence.” Simply put, we depend on working forests—and they depend on us.
From Sustainable Forests to
Sustainable Solutions
A sustainably harvested tree is a renewable resource with remarkable potential.
Generally, a tree’s mass is 50% water and 50% “dry solids.” The dry solids, in turn, are approximately 40% cellulose and 60% “other compounds” like hemicellulose, lignin, sugars, and other valuable extractives.
Our team of scientists and engineers work to discover the full potential of the tree and find productive applications for its remarkable (and natural) chemical compounds.

Already, these natural compounds yield:
Sustainable Energy
Renewable energy investments help power our operations, as well as neighboring communities by supplying surplus energy to local grids.
Bioethanol plant under construction in Tartas, France. Facility meets RED II 2nd Generation requirements.
Carboxylated Nanocellulose
Anomera is developing a new class of biodegradable cosmetic powders that can replace fossil fuel derived ingredients in the cosmetic industry.
Renewable Lignosulfonates
Among one of the most important natural Biopolymers from trees, these are used by businesses to produce products supporting agriculture and construction industries.
Environmentally-Efficient Tall Oil
Tall Oil can be produced from Tall Oil Soap (a by-product of pulp processing) and used to develop green chemicals or as a feedstock for producing biofuel.
Sustainable Prebiotics
Small molecules from hemicellulose for enhanced gut health in sustainable poultry farming.